jeudi 2 avril 2015

Interview de Stephan Ulamec, le Program Manager de Philae / Rosetta Lander pour la DLR

Stephan Ulamec est le ‘’Philae Lander Manager’’ pour l’agence spatiale allemande (DLR).

Entretien réalisé en avril 2015

What is your background ? Why have you choice to work with space ?
I studied Geophysics (in Graz/Austria).    
 “Short way” to get from Earth to other planets or comets, from Geophysics…  
Was als influenced by my PhD superviser, Prof Bauer.

How are you become Head Rosetta Lander and why have you accept this position as Head Rosetta Lander ? What is exactly your job as Head Rosetta Lander ?
Well, I am the Project Manager, thus responsible for the overall mission.   I was Systems Engineer of the Lander before.

What was your first feeling when you have understand that Rosetta was in comet orbit and when Philae touched the ground ?
But (despite I had to announce the landing) I knew that we first have to look a bit more carefully at the data, to be sure it really was a success.

How can stay concentrate, motivate, during all these years of the Rosetta travel ? It’s a long part of life (until 25 years for some people in this program).
It is a fascinating mission! 
Not many have the chance to participate in such an endeavor during their lifetime.  
Of course, I was not 100% working on Rosetta forall these years, but partly also on other missions.

I suppose, you would like to go in space yourself. Why would you want to go in space ? And which destination would you like to go ?
It´s  not so high on my list.  But standing on the  Moon or Mars would be fascinating, of course.

Stephan Ulamec lors de l'annonce de la sélection du site d'atterrissage de Philae, à Paris, le 15 septembre 2014, au siège de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne

Atterrissage de Philae vu depuis la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie à Paris

Retrouvez les articles que Space Quotes – Souvenirs d’espace a consacré à la mission Rosetta (cliquez sur les liens en bleu-clair) :
- Réveil et mise en orbite autour de la comète 67P/Churyumov-Garasimenko
- Choix du site d’atterrissage de Philae
- Atterrissage de Philae

Retrouvez les interviews d’Andrea Accomazzo et d’Elsa Montagnon, le Flight Director et la Deputy Flight Director de la mission Rosetta/Philae.

Crédit : Stéphane Sebile
             Space Quotes - Souvenirs d'espace
             ESA / DLR

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