lundi 22 février 2010

Messages des 6 nouveaux astronautes de l'ESA a l'attention des candidats malheureux de la sélection ESA 2009

Voici les 6 messages exclusifs des 6 nouveaux astronautes de l'ESA destinés aux candidats malheureux qui n'ont pas été sélectionnés lors de cette sélection ESA 2009 + le message de Michel Tognini, patron des astronautes européens...
Ils ont tous répondu à la même question :
Quel est votre message pour les candidats malheureux à cette sélection et comment garder sa motivation jusqu'à la prochaine sélection ?
Message de Samantha Cristoforetti, Italie, enregistré le jour de la présentation des nouveaux astronautes ESA au siège de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne à Paris le 20 mai 2009.
Message de Luca Parmitano, Italie, enregistré le jour de la présentation des nouveaux astronautes ESA au siège de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne à Paris le 20 mai 2009.
Message d'Andreas Mogensen, Danemark, enregistré lors du Salon du Bourget le 16 juin 2009.
Message de Timothy Peake, Grande-Bretagne, enregistré lors du Salon du Bourget le 16 juin 2009.
Message de Thomas Pesquet, France, enregistré lors du Salon du Bourget le 16 juin 2009.
Message de Michel Tognini, Chef des astronautes européens, enregistré lors du Salon du Bourget le 16 juin 2009.
Et ici, message écrit de Alexander Gerst, Allemagne, à l'attention des candidats malheureux et qui m'a été envoyé le 23 mai 2009.
What is your message for the all unlucky candidates who have not selected this time and how keep the motivation for until the next selection...
There's a text line in a song from Seal that always fascinated me: "In a sky full of people, there's only some that want to fly, isn't that crazy?".
I guess it is indeed crazy to have a unique chance and not to give it a fair try. But you are different.
My message to all you guys is that at the very first of all, you can walk home with your head held high, because unlike many others, you gave your dream a chance to be fulfilled.
Even though it did not work out this time (which was a very realistic and likely outcome for myself, too, until Monday), you dared to live your dream and apply, you went trough the effort and expense of getting a medical certificate, you answered long and painful questionnaires, and some of you even went through some of the tough tests (the first of which were the hardest by far).
Even though you got not selected in the end, this effort was not futile. In a few years time, looking back on your life, and maybe after seeing a person on Mars, you can tell yourself: I've tried, I was part of it!
Imagine someone who didn't apply (like, unfortunately, some of my friends), arguing that it might be the best job in the world but the chances of success seemed too slim to go through the effort.
For me it was always the worst imaginable situation when I'm old, looking back at my life, seeing someone on Mars and thinking: well, I could have possibly been one of them, but I'll never know because I didn't try!
You won't have that problem, because you gave your dreams a chance. Whether dreams are fulfilled is not fully in our control, I know that, and I am grateful that I was a lucky one.
But that's not the important point - the important point is that you and I tried. I am one of you guys, I was just a little more lucky, that's all!
Now, to a second real important thing. Don't stop trying! I just read an awesome book called "A Man on the moon" by Andrew Chaikin, describing the personal circumstances of the Apollo astronauts.
I read in astonishment that some of the astronauts that finally landed on the moon had unsuccessfully applied in several application campaigns before they got finally selected.
Several of them even failed the medicals in their first attempts if I remember it right. So, persistence pays!
Of course I know that apart from persistence, it also depends on the timing of the next campaign, and I don't know when it will be. But surely it is not out of question that many of you can apply again next time!
In any case I wish you all good luck for the next selection campaign, which will hopefully come soon.
I truly hope to eventually become a colleague of many of you guys. From meeting so many excellent and fascinating people during the campaign, I know that this WILL be the case!
And, after all, we shouldn't forget that we (i.e. ALL of us) are the ones carrying the fascination for human space flight out into the public, therefore you create the future of spaceflight as much as the new astronauts do!
All the best,

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