mardi 25 janvier 2011

Interview de Mamoru Mohri, astronaute japonais qui a effectué 2 missions spatiales à bord de la navette spatiale STS-47 et STS-99

Mamoru Mohri est un astronaute japonais.

Scientifique, spécialiste de la fusion nucléaire et du plasma, il est sélectionné dans le premier groupe d'astronautes japonais du NASDA (aujourd'hui JAXA) en 1985.

Il vole lors de 2 missions spatiales avec la navette (STS-47 en 1992 et STS-99 en 2000).

Il a été le premier Directeur du Bureau des Astronautes de la NASDA (1992-1996).
Il est aujourd'hui le Directeur du Miraikan (National Museum of emerging Science and Technology) à Tokyo.

Interview réalisée en 2011

How many years were you connected to the space program prior to your flight ?
I was selected in 1985 as an astronaut for Japan, and my first space flight was in 1992.
The Challenge disaster put all space shuttle activity on hold, so I was connected to the space program for 7 years prior to his first flight.

How did you feel prior to the flight ?
It was a childhood dream for me to go to space.
However, I first became a scientist and then, once selected as an astronaut, I was eager to see the sun through the vacuum of space.
I wanted to see the real vision of a star. Plus, I was very curious to see how things responded to micro-gravity, such as my body, materials, and how experiments would be conducted.

What kinds of sensations did you experienced during take-off ?
During take-off, I could not wait to get to space.
I was so excited that I was yelling "go! go! go!" in my mind as they took off.

What does weightlessness feel like, and what did you think about during the flight ?
Weightlessness is delightfully comfortable and relaxing, something like floating in a warm hot springs bath.
During the flight I was extremely focused on successfully completing my tasks and my missions and bringing back useful, informative results.

What were some of the problems you encountered and how did you fixed them ?
On the very first day our crew encountered a very serious problem.
It was a leak in the coolant water lube system.
The crew, meaning the flight crew and the ground crew together, always work together as a team dedicated to finding solutions, and that is how we fixed the problem within the first day.

What did you eat, and did it taste real ?
I was lucky in that he was able to introduce some Japanese food to my crew mates and they loved the Japanese curry.
In fact, I was told it is the favorite food of the International Space Station, too.
All the food was tasty and certainly real.

What was re-entry like ?
Re-entry was fascinating.
First to re-experience the Earth's gravity was pleasingly uncomfortable.
Then when the hatch opened and a rush of fresh air entered, I could breath and smell life.
I also remembered someone giving me a glass of fresh water, and that was the most delicious water I had ever tasted.

Were you glad to be back on Earth, or did you feel you could have spent the rest of your life up there ?
I was relieved to be back on Earth knowing that my mission was considered a success.
In addition, I was very happy to come back to the only place we know in the universe that can support life : our planet Earth.

Crédit : Collection Stéphane Sebile / Spacemen1969
             Space Quotes - Souvenirs d'espace

mardi 18 janvier 2011

Interview de Michael Carroll, Space Artist

Michael Carroll est un des plus célèbres et grands Space Artists contemporains.
La NASA et le Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) ont souvent fait appel à son talent.
Ses œuvres sont connues de beaucoup d’entre nous, pour avoir été publiées dans des centaines de revues et magazines comme Time, National Geographic, Astronomy Now, Sky and Telescope, les revues du Smithsonian, ou même Ciel et Espace, entre autres…
Il a illustré des livres dont certains de Carl Sagan et d’Arthur C. Clarke.
Il a écrit une douzaine de livres pour adultes et enfants.
Ses œuvres ont été exposées au National Air and Space Museum, à l’Institut for Space Research (IKI) de Moscou, etc…
Il a également peint des fresques murales pour divers établissements.
Deux de ses œuvres ont volé dans MIR, dont une est restée dans MIR jusqu’à la destruction de celle-ci.
Une autre se trouvait dans la sonde Mars 96, dont le tir a échoué.
Il possède son propre site internet où vous pourrez admirer et acheter certaines de ses œuvres :
Interview réalisée en 2011
Q : When have you decide to became space artist ? And why did you like space exploration, aviation,etc … ?
A : I did my first painting when I was eleven years old (of our dog).
My third painting was my first space painting.
I did it in 1968, based on a photo taken by the Apollo 8 astronauts of the lunar far side. Ever since, I've been hooked !
My father was an aerospace engineer, and our family knew astronaut Ed White, first American to walk in space and one of three who died in the Apollo 1 fire.
My grandfather was a general in the air force, so I have always had aviation and space in my family.
Q : What was your 1st professional artist space work and how have you worked on this ?
My earliest professional commission, aside from paintings for individuals, was for a local game company called Dimension Six. They made board games with space themes.
Q : What are your(s) feeling(s) about that many people saw and loved yours painters and works every days ?
A : It is always humbling to think about how many people see and (hopefully) enjoy my work in magazines, books, TV, etc ...
Q : Did you like to go in space ? And why ?
A : I would love to BE in space, or especially explore Mars, but I don't think I would enjoy getting there. I would probably barf! (Throw up)
Q : What memories have you of the Apollo 11 lunar landing in 1969 ?
A : My sister and I watched in sitting on the couch in our livingroom, with Mom and Dad right there.
It was amazing.
I was only 14, but even then I knew I was seeing something that would change the history of humankind forever.
Q : What is your best memory about your space artist career ?
A : I always love working with scientists and astronauts to get things just right.
There are so many generous and inspiring people out there, and I love working with them as an artist and a writer.
Recently, I wrote a book called The Seventh Landing, where I got to interview creative engineers, Apollo and shuttle astronauts and cosmonauts, and scientists in many different countries.
I also got to illustrate it, so it was the best of both worlds!
My newest book is called Drifting on Alien Winds, about weather on other planets and moons.
It will come out in March through Springer Publishers.

vendredi 14 janvier 2011

Interview avec Jon Lomberg, Space Artist

Jon Lomberg est un artiste américain spécialiste du Space Art.
Il a été le principale collaborateur artistique de Car Sagan de 1972 à 1996.
Il illustra, entre autre, pour Carl Sagan, The Cosmic Connection. Il a été le responsable artistique de la série télévisée Cosmos, toujours de Carl Sagan, et créa la couverture originelle de Contact.
Il est aussi l'auteur de l'illustration sur le disque emporté dans l'espace par la sonde Voyager 1.
Jon Lomberg est aussi connu pour sa(ses) représentation(s) de la Voie Lactée, en 2 ou 3 dimensions, notamment au National Air and Space Museum, ou à Hawaii.
Il a été honoré de nombreuses récompenses pour son travail et talent.
Interview réalisée en 2011
Q : When have you decide to became space artist ? And why did you like space exploration, aviation,etc … ?
A : I have always been fascinated by the Universe ever since I was 4 years old.
My first interest was in the science.
Much later, in University, I became interested in astronomical art.
You can see my work at
Q : What was your 1st professional artist space work and how have you worked on this ?
A : The first professional job I had was illustrating Carl Sagan's book "The Cosmic Connection" in 1972.
That was the beginning of 25 years of collaboration on works including NASA's Voyager Record, the TV series COSMOS and the film CONTACT.
Q : What are your(s) feeling(s) about that many people saw and loved yours painters and works every days ?
A : Of course it is very nice for an artist to hear that people like his work.
I especially value comments from scientists who say that their interest in science was inspired by my work.
And I love receiving letters from students who find my work inspiring to them.
Q : Did you like to go in space ? And why ?
A : It would be an incredible experience to see the Earth from space with my own eyes.
I love scuba diving because it has so many aspects that are similar to the astronaut experience.
Q : What memories have you o the Apollo 11 lunar landing in 1969 ?
A : That was the night I did my very first space painting, imaging the Earth as an eye, looking out into the Universe
Q : What is your best memory about your space artist career ?
A : My best memory is seeing the launch of the Voyager 1 spacecraft and knowing that something I had made was being carried to the stars.
I felt almost as good seeing two other works of mine on the surface of Mars : the sundials carried aboard the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity; and the Visions of Mars DVD aboard the Phoenix lander.
And completing my Galaxy Garden ( was also very wonderful.

jeudi 6 janvier 2011

Interview de Marcia Bartusiak, journaliste et une des 40 journalistes sélectionnés par la NASA pour le programme Journalist in Space in 1986

Marcia Bartusiak est écrivain et journaliste scientifique.
En 1986, elle est l'une des 40 journalistes américains sélectionnés par la NASA pour le programme Journalist in Space. Mais, après l'accident de Challenger, le programme est remis en question, puis finalement annulé...
Elle était finaliste de l'Etat de Virginie.
Elle est actuellement Professeur (writing science) au Massachussetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T).
Elle a son propre site et son propre blog :
Interview réalisée en 2010
Q : Why have you decide to become candidate for NASA Journalist in Space selection ?
A : It was actually my second attempt at getting into space.
Just as I was finishing my master's degree in physics, I applied to NASA to become an astronaut.
But my application was rejected because, at the time I applied, I had not yet completed my graduate degree, which was a requirement.
I applied too soon! But I went on to become a science writer and when the Journalist-in-Space competition was announced, it seemed natural to apply.
Here was the opportunity to engage two of my passions at once: writing and space exploration.
Q : What was your job during this selection and what is your job currently ? Why did you choose a science writer and author career ?
A : From a young age, I was always interested in both science and writing.
My undergraduate degree was in journalism, which allowed me to write on many stories, but after four years I returned to school to get a master's degree in physics so that I could specialize in writing on science alone.
Ever since I have been writing on physics and astronomy for a general audience, in both magazines and books.
At the time of the Journalist-in-Space competition I was a freelance writer, working from Virginia.
Many years have now gone by, and I've since moved to Massachusetts, near Boston.
I continue to write on science, but now I also teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
I'm currently executive director of the MIT Graduate Program in Science Writing, preparing the up-and-coming science writers of tomorrow.
Q : I suppose you would like to go in space. But why ?
A : I think it's in my genes. All my grandparents, when only teenagers in the 1910s, emigrated to the United States from Poland searching for a new life.
I think of space in that way: the next frontier to visit and explore.
It's an urge, I believe, that is part of our evolutionary makeup.
Q : What represent for you Yuri Gagarin ?
A : I can't believe we're approaching the fiftieth anniversary of his spaceflight around the world.
I was 11 years old at the time and quite caught up in this major event.
Just a few years before I had gotten my first telescope and was fascinated by all things related to outer space.
And, given those Cold-War times, I guess I was feeling from all the adults around me the jealousy that the Russians got there first.
Q : What represent for you Apollo 11 / Which memories have you of this event ? A : I remember sitting in front of the television....literally....for hours and hours.
I didn't want to miss one moment.
What stays with me is the image of the CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite wiping away a tear when the Apollo 11 astronauts safely landed.
And now we no longer have any presence on the Moon, except for the occasional unmanned survey.
The last astronauts to journey across the dusty soil did so in 1972, nearly four decades ago.
Who knew that Cronkite's tear of joy would turn into a tear of disappointment for those of us who longed for the life of the movie 2001 to come true.
Q : What will be your most incredible space dream ?
A : To actually live for a while somewhere else in the solar system, such as Mars, looking up at the sky and searching for that blue speck called Earth.